Almost Successful As A Village Person, Failure As A Leader. 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣😈🤡💩🖕🇨🇦

WellNow, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, coming to you from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. So. It seems to me that what we have is the 5 faces of Justin Trudeau. What my host, David and I, do know that what he is close to Achieving is a Duplication. He almost Gotten it Downpact in his Impersonation of the Village People. If nothing else can be given to him since he nothing but a Duplicitous Coward Of The Cottage at Harrington Lake. Thankyouverymuch. 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣😈🤡💩🖕🇨🇦


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