This Means That People Who Want The Truckers To Be Arrested Would Fall Into Line With Adolf Hitler Or Joseph Stalin. 🤢🤮😈😂🚜🚛🚚

Well Now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula, The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, coming to you from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. So. After what my host David and I have seen on Facebook, it seems to us that there are people who are glad to see Truckers in Ottawa getting arrested. THESE are the people who are part of the problem. They are totally unaware that these protesters are fighting for freedom from medical tyranny from both Justin Trudeau and Anthony Fauci. When these people wake up from their slumber they will barf all over their laps. Thankyouverymuch. 🤢🤮😈😂🚜🚛🚚


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